Sunday, November 05, 2006


Left for Sidney Bluff field at 2pm. It was 50 degrees - Sunday night of opening weekend for Muzzleloader. I like Sunday night as the opening day rush has passed.

There was one truck along Sidney Bluff road as I drove in, but none near the field I intended to hunt. Sunset was at 4:48, I would have about two goods hunting hours.

While standing next to my truck with the doors open, loading powder in the muzzleloader, an 8-pointer ran through the woods within about 50 yards. He was heading in the same direction I was - that was the good thing. I felt sure tonight was the night I would get a shot.

I found a great spot to stand - in a thicket full of briars, at the edge of the field. I was well concealed, but still had a good view of the field. I have seen does and bucks within shooting range of where I was standing - I felt like tonight was the night.

Stood in the same spot until about 5:20, but no more sightings.

I walked back to the truck in near blackness and did not discharge until I was at the truck.

I cleaned the muzzleloader quickly tonight by experimenting with some of Becki's homemade Windex - some combination of ammonia, peroxide and alcohol - I think. Anyway, whatever it was, it cut through the black powder residue and had the barrel clean very quickly. I will use it again.


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