Monday, October 02, 2006

Fishing 9/30/06

Didn't fish long on this trip. Dad, Timmy and I spent about two hours fishing Saturday morning. It was cool and windy. Some clouds, some blue sky. We were south of Jouett creek, fishing towards the mouth of the Obey. The same bank we have caught many smallmouth, Dad hooked a 15 inch, about 1.5lb bass on a Pumkin seed grub. The only other fish for the day, was a tiny smallmouth I hooked on a smoke grub. Timmy was casting the spinning reels pretty well...his patience with slow fishing is growing. We didn't fish long this day opting to spend most of the time hanging out at the cabin with Amber, Amanda, Jenny, Danny, Emma, Becki, Timmy, Jessi, Willy and of course Grandma.


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