Monday, October 23, 2006

Moustail Landing State Park 10/23/06

Ok so it's not hunting or fishing - it's camping. A loosley related topic that may not be that much of a stretch considering there is huntable TVA property nearby.

It was Fall break weekend for the kids. We wanted to camp in the RV. We would have gone to Montgomery Bell, but there was a music festival going on and the crowd would have been unbearable. We decided to take our chances on an unknown park. I wanted a cleary interstate drive (as much as possible), so we headed west to Mousetail Landing.

The park got it's name from a story about a mice infested tannery that burned down and the sight of all of the mice running for cover. It is right along the Tennessee river. The Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge is nearby and hunting is allowed on the Busseltown unit of the refuge. Maybe this could be a future hunting and camping location.

The scenery this weekend was amazing. The leaves were as "Fall" as they could be. The recent wet weather has done a fine job making for a colorful Fall. The park was pretty much empty, we had the place to ourselves. We biked, hiked, burned things and had an overall relaxing time. The RV is great for the kids. When they get tired of being outdoors, they still have the comforts of microwave popcorn and DVDs. This is especially good for Willy. Becki likes the private bathroom. Although, the park bathrooms were warm and clean. We saw lots and lots of deer - everywhere we looked. The only drawback to the park were the two huge hills bookending the campground. In order to get to playgrounds you had to go down extremely steep and long hills.

It was a good weekend.


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