Sunday, April 13, 2008

Spring Turkey Season 2008

Been to Cheatham twice this season. Have seen no turkeys. I know they are there. The season is not quite right, yet. The experts are saying the turkeys are two weeks behind. Meaning they are still hanging out together. Jakes, hens, Toms - all hanging together. Not yet nesting or strutting. Randy Cromer told me that calling should be very good in the next few weekends. It is odd though that I have seen no birds, very few (almost none) tracks, have seen no feathers and have not seen birds along the road, in fields, while driving or even in the no-hunting zones. I am hoping this is a good sign in that when I take a few days off this week. I will have better luck - hunting during peak breeding season.

The jeep has been running great and been a good hunting vehicle.

I have been slow walking Gibbs road. Walked 2.09 miles the first weekend and about 5 miles yesterday. I have done almost no calling. First off, I know it does little good in locating birds at Cheatham and two I am really most interested in locating the flocks to figure where to setup.


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