Friday, April 18, 2008


Turkey hunting never goes as planned.

I got to the ridge where I bumped a gobbler yesterday. Got there at about 5:30. Beautiful 50 degree morning. Whipperwills were going to town. It's not quite a mile to this spot. Several of the whipperwills were so close you could here their throats cluck between whipperwills.

I set up 450 feet from the GPS markings for yesterdays encounter. At 5:45 I did a few tree clucks and imitated fly down. Nothing.

The only gobbling I heard this morning was on the neigbhoring ridge. The gobbler was not gobbling alot. He moved down the ridge and eventually I heard clucking and gobbling. Sounds like he had hooked up. After that, no more gobbles.

I signed out by 7:10.

It seems like the leaves are behind this year.
Turkeys don't seem to be in the fields at all this year.
Had a good three days.... yesterday was especially educational and fun.
Might try some more early morning hunts before the end of the season.
But tomorrow I have to fix Jackie's phone and Becki's turn signal.


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